Hurry up?, @:
/Where mass evangelism quickly appeals to -you- appointed to salvation\
Notice - this webspace reads better from a desk computer venue rather than mobile. . .
For the thinkers (to right, to purity) among us:
Is the 'H A' of this HuryApp Site where we
get 'HAllelu-jah' (= God be praised.) from of ?!
Within -The Gospel-, praise, that that does when we do
. . .Acts (Book) way, this today is the day of salvation
{see more Sundays one by one
meeting your Maker before taken away from here}
* * *
[[ Some get grateful. Many get going by, bye. Most get grown old and older. Few get this, what you got.
Yes, this is a 2-minute (some like a $2.00 tip?!) leading not just warning by the time you made it to this paragraph from the very top few (lines not lies) and finish its lap (on your laptop!?), for noticing how that this 'Gate-Site' (what it is and shorter made for the Internet) opens to a second named Website, whereby you can get a big-bigger words of sentences picture on how both of each Sites configure (not precluding decent ordered procedure of Gospel/ing description for your demonstration additive on your own, all on hearing-believing-accepting-obeying just-to-start-living that form of this Gospel, about exact once a month post that you may check this, on for you again at a timing you may make for because you were made by your Maker that let's you do things like liking making for this nonmeaninglessness if -before- you meet your Maker -- possibly up with you visiting online the same day of the month as the year in the 2000s, Or the 24th-25th for '24 on to another year though in the day today), here for there on one certain page per the link locale the third page of three on this the Site you made it, to. Read up to here [bracketed only] or go with to listen the whole, or both Sites, again a link not on this first of three pages, but on the third, just two pages away. The Site is shared and the page of reference is known as, 'Ecks-caliber' page for at the bottom (past a 'letter' and passing orignal poems) a Site click away should you go here all first (quick) or there (that page through, at the bottom remember maybe like the ‘Upper Roomers’ (a New Testament 'beginning' thing) going out to meet when if greet and preach and save)) and too. A Churching respect of behavior that The Gospel (see for that where I say saying) works for those Churchers that believe (goes for another-'b' 'baptism' Word-according to more than a single scripture locale example of the Name that does save then) in the King Jesus (thorn crown) Gospel. ]]
Sometimes the things you read change not only how you think, and also they may change your life for the better and to the greater.
For doing all you know to do, may you be blessed to find mercy in time of need; just now go through the readings of this place of a site like you started.
*This short site reads through in just about forty (40) minutes - less than an hour by far!; not too long: just right. Created and formulated just for the Internet, where most click in three secs but the same read at times for hours. . .
This is not your usual app, and likewise this is not your ordinary website. What you will not find herein is a fundraiser or sales, or a survey or a fill-in form, and is not a typical app. In every day’s mercy first start, this is a how-to, to not be deceived. This website is less obnoxious, and but more chic, for the reason that it is clear right from the start get-go. If it was not obvious or someway casual, your sins are not washed away until water baptism also applies. Now again here is the how we get to it this far. This writer may not have the time in life to be your friend, though these pages on the web can set you straight, and by then in any means we can be a brotherhood, about heaven's Kingdom of God (& be sure friends when if we meet in heaven, there).
-You- Are Appointed To *Salvation*,
‘If’ Cooperates ‘Then’ Dimensions
Somebody told to hurry it up? So you found to get a move on to the site place that is now (was an “.info”). What you will find here, if you read just a little, is just enough to wet your appetite for an appearance of yourself. That is, with hope, you may be able to see yourself as a saint converted once these discipling manners do not leave you overwhelmed, but rather with a point on refreshing, even in decent order to renew your mind. No doubt, this site place is a quickening and there really is not much to read for those with busier schedules and time crunches for other projects that officiate to leave all this on a back burner to make time for your own things of you. So far, this website offers placing with very few of the ancient scriptures of God’s Book, the Holy Bible, but they are as up-to-date as now because these texts form timeless transitions to our own dimensions. If you were to read, all this little business here now online then would make your day today, seeing you may take just one day at a time. There are really just a few lines ahead of you, less enough to lighten the lesson. By the time you just might get over to the “second mile” second page, you too can see about how Jesus fought to keep the holy books part of our living life, along with not tempting -God-, and keeping away from devil worship when seeking our Lord GOD. Specifically, the “app” portion of this website named so is less of an official app and moreso a use and purpose as far as definitions are concerned, right from looking it up in definition. Move on with your readings here to the second page to see all about how you are appointed to salvation – the salvation of the cross of Christ Jesus has a precursor in Jesus’ own baptizing and start off to ministry.
Move Over Rat Race
You are lucky if the only rat you know is not yourself in a lifelong race, but just one of the ones who uses a computer mouse to navigate site upon site. The rat race as it is called may be quite the amazing maze. Then there is an awesome alternative: the highway of holiness. This highway is usually a two-way street of about four lanes (one each side for exits). The agreement between an honest conversion and a lifestyle discipling makes all the difference being holy in this presently evil world. Also, there are more variants of things done rashly, with speed, in haste, or without delay in the stories of the scriptures, both too numerous to have all inclusive mention here, and also that would simply be overly much to advise using altogether, or all at once.
What You Will Find And The Grace Of This Guide
This is an outreach webspace with a total of three pages, including the homepage. The homepage you are at right here explains things like why has only one “r” in that there title: we are merely in such a hurry, there just is not room to have even more letters. It is just fast enough to provide decency and order, though so harried that it is one less letter to type. The other two pages respectively show some parallel passages that apply, and then to also know more about this author, a link to a named site otherwise not too shabby or slack. You could find yourself, just at HuryApp long enough to discover at the first or rediscover in eye-opening appeal, how to stay saved, but first seeing about being called, chosen, and faithful. The Revelation in the Bible says those that are with Jesus Christ go from called to chosen to faithful or all three in at once. The qualifications of this author for sharing is that he (I) have read the good book (Bible) twice in all, in my lifetime born again years thus far, and have studied parts and books within it much further.
Right Off The Bat
The verses groupings that are being shared on this page relate to conversions and discipling, including in the pair of poems that follow (original works by this site administrator). The locations that focus on converting merely state, “why wait,” while the other parts better fit discipling that is quite the lifestyle not to be ashamed of or to either negate nor neglect. If this is new to you, think of knowing the chorus to a song/s you like, but where you never might have listened close to the verses. The same is for this, you may be from a traditional background and simply need this whole counsel to adapt wisely and choose with some care. The rest of this page and most of this site is quotations and this counsel I explained just now.
‘And now why are you waiting? Arise and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on the name of the Lord.’ / Now it happened [came to pass], when I returned [come again] to Jerusalem and was praying [prayed] in the temple, that I was in a trance and saw Him saying to me, ‘Make haste and get out of Jerusalem quickly, for they will not receive your testimony concerning Me.’ =Act22@16-18
This from Paul’s conversion and then attempts on converting others later comes with express directions to go about it quickly. We all need to escape the judgment this planet and its populace is heading towards without being born again.
I made haste, and did not delay / To keep Your commandments. =Psa119@60
When you may decide to be born again, verily do the borning when you know to. The convenience and the persuasion can match wonderfully, making yours a beautiful conversion, just like the same as those found in the scripture/s of old.
Therefore, since these things cannot be denied [seeing that these things cannot be spoken against], you ought to be quiet and [to] do nothing rashly. =Act19@36
Here’s the first of two examples of the two-way street I lent about earlier. This was describing Gentile (instead of Jewish Christian) loyalty to their own worship, which while we can take to heart that the discipling here (instead of conversion accounts) invites caution and / or steadfast stepping.
“Behold, I lay in Zion a stone for a foundation, / A tried stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation; / Whoever believes will not act hastily [not make haste]. / Also I will make justice the measuring line [Judgment also will I lay to the line], / And righteousness [to] the plummet; / The hail will sweep away the refuge of lies, / And the waters will overflow the hiding place. /
. . .
[if not content with graphic content, here left in the Holy Bible for your own checking];
. . .
/ When the overflowing scourge passes through, / Then you will be trampled down by it [a treading down to it]. / As often as it goes out it will take you; / For morning by morning it will pass over, / And by day and by night; / It will be a terror just to understand the report [Or, when He shall make you to understand doctrine].” =Isa28@16b-19
Believing is the stuff born again is made of, though for some reason some find it hard to understand. It should not be difficult at all, and with John 3 (Bible chapter, teaching style) explaining it as what makes born again an assured possibility (find a Bible?!), scores of us peoples shall be born again. For the next page online today, there Jesus overcomes the devil significantly earlier than the cross bearing salvation for us all. See to it that you read that because it should be obvious that how Jesus operated is the much more of the specifics we can operate at ourselves, today if we may, and we might with His might and power and coming back. The thing is to be ready for Christ Jesus when the Kingdom comes, quickly as is said:
He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming quickly.” / Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! / The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. =Rev22@20-21
Get ready, saved is all, for Jesus our Lord. Remember from this site that there is both converting to be addressed as well as the story of our lives in discipling for more to ascribe. The “app” portion here is more in the military application (purpose / use) definition instead of the modern mobile accesses. Poems follow, that with these givens in verses preceding, you can now know you are appointed to salvation:
original work poem: The Coal Of Conversion And The Diamond Of Discipling
If someone asked you if you repented, tell the in-love truth
Try not to figure oh what’s the use
Because if you cannot be honest at the time
You do not want more to repent of down the line
The coal of conversion is then under pressure
Do not feel like there is no way out though mister
The diamond of discipling pinpoints any disaster
It is the Lord you can follow since He is the Master
The way to fix a conversion found shaky
Is to make sure it is not a conversion at all faulty
If you want to be healed in all you have done
Then in all you do strive against sin
Continue to be faithful in the Word friend of God
There are answers in there wherewith you can be shod
Whether the prophetic or the apostolic the Lord Jesus makes peace
Believe in His righteousness as the Kingdom does increase
It may be something you never did suspect
Whether ignorant or presumptuous in some big wreck
Seek the will of high Heaven before an end result
There may be prophecy when it may be it was not only your fault
Take responsibility for the part you pertain
Cast good care for it is godliness you gain
Know if you keep faith the Lord will revive you
Know on the way Home faith gets tried though
Oh coal of conversion don’t you forget
There is a big something you could not be yet
If the diamond of discipling remains faithful
The calling and the choosing there become grateful
original work poem: Take Two
To remember and obey those leaders which have the rule over you
Trust to have a good conscience in all things living honestly in a willingness to
If you have let leaders down or been any way discontent, let yourself get up and still raise
When as our hearts are fixed O God we will sing now and give praise
The Lord will not break a bruised reed
So if you feel your repentance at baptism was not up to speed
The Lord in His goodness will continue to lead
It is not in vain that the Lord as a man did bleed
The Lord will not quench a smoking flax
So if you do not have the Holy Ghost yet upon baptizing relax
The promise of the Father goes beyond a perhaps to a happening shall
For those who have taken steps in believing it is certainly God’s will
One blind man restored by Jesus saw
Men as trees walking by and by
Not that the faith present on either side was raw
The Lord Jesus continued healing twice nigh
Then as Jesus had this man look up
The blind finally saw clearly and all well
Jesus told him not to go to the city back at
Sometimes healings or conversions require a second try still
The Little-More-Better / Added (+) 04/17/2023 In The AM
This agreeably approaches as an additional heading (the rest was written before; see Copyright date on all pages' bottoms) on precision, for it lightly occurred to me, this App's Author, that 'appointed' as a term for this Site's theme is not entirely strictly accurate, for the simple strong reasoning that there are those of us appointed to second death / utter destruction and but not to salvation (born once, die twice, born twice, die once, perhaps a mystery riddle to some), of whom the ancient great Psalms implore me and good others to loose those in the cause of all such. Needless to say, I was right in the sense/s that "For God did not appoint (hath not appointed) us [saved Pentecost-Christian folk] to wrath, but to obtain salvation through (by, [as authored]) our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us...Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing" (from in 1Thessalonians 5@9-10a, 11). There are literally dozens of locales in holy Scripture for the term 'appointed' and even some more along the lines of 'appoint,' howsoever I am a foregoer in numbering them today. There are those including even the LORD that appointed set time/s, oft enough. The End shall be at the time appointed according to three places (a certified doctrine / teaching from of God) in Daniel Book. Even and especially in the Gospel truth, the third day is appointed how that Lord Jesus would build the temple of His bodily resurrection according to how what He prophesied He would be delivered for our offenses, and raised for our justification (is a scrip/ture). Then first in, in Creation Science, God appointed the foundations of the earth having to do with the sea and waters, mostly unique to earth in the uni-verse. Also, both prophetically and poetically, Lord Jesus appointed a mountain in Matthew Book for His named apostles / called and chosen and faithful disciples. Plus it is appointed unto men to die once, but after this the judgment (and practice thinking this to those who try to judge you in this life prior to this true truth!), demonstrated and manifested by this light (from in Acts 17@30-32), that reads, ""...these times of ignorance God overlooked (winked at), but now commands all men everywhere to repent,(:) because He has appointed a [Judgment] day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the (that) Man whom He has ordained.(;) (Whereof) He has given assurance (Or, offered faith) of this to all (men) by (in that) raising Him from the dead." And when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some mocked, while others said, "We will hear you [Paul] again on (of) this matter.""
The whole entire point in case of for this App Website you are at read at, is that: if one is saved the way Paul was saved, one is authentically saved (authenticated if you will think of salvation thus). Only then it is accurate, and not false teaching apostasy. If you, like me, like the way Lord Jesus Christ sounded in The Passion Of The Christ mega-movie then go on with this to know the Lord and accept to obey the Gospel truth; God’s Book the Holy Bible calls it repenting and believing the Gospel (is a scrip/ture). Remember, there’s three parts to each, shown and told also on this App. The apostle-teaching Church (“apostolic” for short) has the Paul Pattern even with Paul’s companion Luke’s Act Book (provable it is by Luke because it is written to the same individual friend of God that Luke Book was, named O Theophilus) that reports Acts 2@38 (look up!; preaching authority an ‘every one of you’ on earth to believe and be baptized, just like God now commands all men everywhere to repent – listings directly above) confirmed as a doctrine / teaching of required multiple locales as one more of in Acts 3@18-21, especially at 19 verse (be a stud and study!; both these Acts references speak to our hearts of remitting (=washing away, actually said) of Sin/s), which majestically and magnificently combine to be Hallmark of Pentecost-Christian preached saving (=whosoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved (primarily haps at your water baptism timing, taking the Bridegroom’s Name (the Church is the Lord’s “Bride”): Lord Jesus Christ, + to save oneself, + to add to the Church daily such as “should be” saved))). Hence, again, if you were to be saved just the way Preacher / Apostle Paul was, you would really actually be saved correctly. None of this relative pluralism, and I am not talking about doing it without your relatives (an awesome aside). Minor Joel and Major Isaiah and many others prophesied it to be just so. Joel and Isaiah and every Major Prophet and Minor Prophet in the Holy Bible canon and outlaying Books are greater than Buddha, than Mohammed, then any Pope, than Martin Luther. If I was raised or ‘saved’ another way/s, and I presumed to indeed be, I still desperately needed to hear a man sent of God to be saved like this App Site discloses after I already was. God Himself wills having all men to be saved (of course) and to come unto the knowledge of the truth (is a scrip/ture). We all have knowledge and need to deal with knowledge (obvious understatement) and this truth is the true stuffings of the Scriptures, or “all truth” (are scrip/ture/s). If I ever make it to 55 years young and beyond, I might come to fulfill being an ordained Minister, where my likely co-led, gospel activating ChurchHouse (with Apostle & High Priest Jesus Christ on the Bulletin) would be called “All-Truth Volitionary” (has to do with both truth and the will, or volition, of faith); for now, I am certainly and certifiably both a Teacher and an InterEvangelist (instead of a Televangelist) for the Internet; see Psalm 25@14-15: “The secret of the LORD is with those (them) who (that) fear Him, and He will show them His covenant (Or, and His covenant to make them know it) [thru!]. My eyes are ever toward the LORD, and He shall pluck (Hebrew, bring forth) my feet out of the [Inter]net.” Porno-graphy and other evils pervade the Internet, and therefore I comfort and edify fellow saints alive and help and deliver those sinners that hear me, by describing me as an Interevangelist not an Internet-evangelist, plucking the net away, or only using it for good and godly pursuits. The only way to contact me online is not at any of my Websites (no, none fill-in forms anyplace), though is through FaceBook, and you know my name from on page -3- of this App now, by visiting clicking my other much bigger Book-for-$ale Website responsibly and politely linked therein.
While there are not fewer, but as many several as five prayer requests of the good Lord in holy Scripture, my one prayer request for any or you all herein is to pray that I fulfill the following lifelong goals (dues, projects, tasks): writing talent phase (a certain number of Brochures (both important and fun, because they are just big enough to fit just enough, and just small enough to just read quicker) plus a given amount of Children’s Books (life calling) in addition to letters of years and seasons, and these Websites + and three Blogs (one is done and one is next to be completed and one is quite ongoing)), then music talent phase (four chosen instruments because I cannot hold a tune singing even though I sing every morn “My Song” to Heaven), and then and only then past 55 years young I might take on a new ChurchHouse or Ministry, delineated above some already for the interested. If David was a Prophet in Acts 2 preaching, maybe who knows how much of a Prophet witness I will be by the end of my life, would I live to achieve. Prayerers, pray, please.
So, as you can tell I show that there is a use for this App you are at, and it is pure and right, or correct and completely accurate, an absolute proof / given. There are things that we can do that qualify us for the salvation we are appointed to, that are not “works” according to new Testament Titus Book (is a scrip/ture passage). There are also things that we can do that disqualify us from staying saved once we are (eternal security is one of the largest lies of the Evil One, for the Holy Bible God’s Book is chalk full of detailed descriptions of deception leading to death though it seems good to a man, woman, or child and is right in his or her own eyes, if because the number one sign of the End Time is also a lie of the Evil One deceiver - to call evil good and good evil (is a scrip/ture)). To frustrate the grace of God (is a scrip/ture), to grieve the Holy Ghost Spirit of God (is a scrip/ture), to oppose yourselves (is a scrip/ture), to be a false teacher or even a false disciple (are scrip/ture/s), to meddle (associate) with them that are given to change (is a scrip/ture), and / or friendship with the world making enmity (you the enemy) of God (is a scrip/ture), are each respectively and all corporately or privately gross enough real sins. Avoid and do not pass by, bye! This is not just a battle (likened a video game street fight brawl), but a worthy war (likened a video game epic adventure of many stages and fronts)! These are the aspects and angles of the legal Law, meanings of Words from of God, definitions of Names. Salvation does not make sense, again, unless it is the Pattern of Paul (is a scrip/ture). You know who you are and what you are pulling if you value ratios (but I am not writing math) that morality cannot afford. Those that contradict are warped , sinning, and self-condemned (is a scrip/ture). That does not say only if one contradicts salvation, for one could contradict reasonable reasoning reason: modern popes have asserted climate hype along with the present global governance attempt/s as a power grab New Age false gospel worldly (secular not true) diplomacy (from in Genesis 8@22 reads, “While (Hebrew, As yet all the days of the earth) the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease.” – what this means is that there are natural cycles that are supernaturally protected by -God- and also that any meteor/s will never disrupt the spin of earth enough to end life on it (well, duh to both of these, media “sith” (a Star Wars funny!)). If you still do not believe my record that one can fall lost damned once already genuinely saved, know Apostle Paul wrote the Church/es to not be deceived about the unrighteous not inheriting salvation (is a scrip/ture). You cannot go very far into the new Testament without stumbling over another and another listings passages about types and categories of Sin/s, and but primarily also all unrighteousness is sin, or do not you know. There really is one God, The Father, of whom are all things, and we for (in) Him, and one Lord Jesus Christ (did you know others who claim to be God manifest in flesh are liars, and that Jesus came in the flesh is true truth), through (by) whom are all things, and through whom we live (I and you are alive because of Him); (is a scrip/ture). It is a limitation, howso some (a limitation I say) are delivered to the Evil One when if they blaspheme, too. As for me and my house, early I will destroy all the wicked of the land, that I may cut off all the evildoers from the city of the LORD, until those that reject Lord Jesus, and do not receive His words has that which judges them – the word that Lord Jesus has spoken will judge them in the “last day,” the Millennium (do not say, what’s that?: ‘tis the Kingdom Of God 1,000-year Messiah reign…); (are scrip/ture/s). Remember, Lord Jesus did not come to judge the world, but to save the world, thus hence the Name Jesus means “Jehovah is become salvation” (God is now also a man, with us, to be within us since Pentecost-Day, evident as evidence once anyone speaks in “tongues” languages…). Also remember that now is the judgment of this world, and now shall the prince of this world be cast out. We ought not to judge, lest we be judged, taught the Lord in His Mount Sermon, and there the Evil One is cast out instead of judged, where when now the whole present evil world that lies in wickedness is judged (are scrip/ture/s, lots).
Remember true conversion is two keys, one of repentance toward God (not to another religion or an organization or hope that is not God), and two of faith toward our (God’s sacrifice Lamb given for us on His cross and historically witnessed resurrection) Lord Jesus Christ. True discipleship for the dearly beloved (not anyone else other than Pentecost-Christians is this written now!) is being urged / beseeched / begged to as sojourners and pilgrims (familiar in America, for one) to abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul (is a scrip/ture). That’s the soul of the matter to mind mannerly. Recall, it is the false ‘Christianity-believers,’ really workers of iniquity, that had eaten and drunk in His presence and had Him teach in their streets. That too. No? Yes! Once converted (hurry) by the honest teaching on this App Website, the discipling (believe to not rush) left is to choose to edify (remember that very first quote from in this addition?!) versus destroy. Your choice to both choose caringly (as if you love your -friendly or mean- neighbor as yoursoreself) wisely and take the fair warning. Sometimes the trying times are bettered in your own trying things out; if the physics of the uni-verse are so spectacular and man’s form from of God as well, the try is not only worth the try, but enabled to overcome. So do, with the Gospel and The Revelation: they are finished (are scrip/ture/s), and so is HuryApp!!!
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